Is Jealously a Good Reason to Pursue Sexual Monogamy? Report: 17th October

Well, that was a very controversial seminar indeed! Thanks to all who attended – was fantastic to see such a packed room.

Nick’s talk on jealousy and monogamy was intriguing -certainly a different tone from our previous papers. He was very keen to outline his personal vision for humankind – that of a world without monogamy. His passion was clearly evident in his enthusiastic delivery. Nick argued the merits of non-monogamous relationships and discussed the role which jealousy can play in monogamous relationships. He questioned whether this feeling could be managed through partaking in non-monogamous relationships. He even delighted us with some personal anecdotes about Grinder (nicely leading us into our talk next week)!

After Nick’s paper we had our most lively debate yet! Members of the audience asked Nick whether he had considered the feminist arguments and the role of society in promulgating certain gendered stereotypes. He was also asked what he believed the role pornography has played in defining sexual relationships. We also asked him to consider his argument from an LGBT perspective.

We wish Nick the best of luck with his project!